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Considerations on weed control and integrated weed management strategies

Traditionally, the term "control" has been used instead of "management". Sometimes it has been considered that "weed control or management" implies annihilating or eradicating such vegetation; however, the important thing to know is that it is unnecessary to completely eliminate the weed population, since the essential thing is to regulate or manage it to such a level that its economic damage is reduced.

▶ Credits: encolombia. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: agriculturers. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Integrated management is defined as the development of a set of practices or methods aimed at maintaining the populations of noxious plants at levels below those causing economic damage.

The selection of the most appropriate method or methods for weed management depends on the crop that the producer has, since it should be based on basic knowledge about: identification of weeds and their level of infestation, biology and ecology of the predominant weed species.

In addition to the competitive effect and economic thresholds of the predominant weed species, the control methods that are technically effective, economically viable and safe for the environment, usual agricultural practices and the economic capacity of the producer.

There are several alternatives or practices for the management of weeds in crops, but an important aspect is that they should not be treated independently; when only one management method is used.

▶ Credits: horizonteadigital. – [Image of Public Domain]

As the efficiency will be reduced over time and will bring complications for the management in general, it is advisable, at the time of combating weeds, to combine some of them.

NOTE: Reference material.

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