Weekend Recap

Hi Friends,

I had a good weekend and hope each of you did as well.

Saturday was a busy day, but a good one. We had some sports that my son was playing, then went out to lunch for pizza as a family. We did a couple of other errands out, but tried to stay indoors in the afternoon as the temperature was near 100 degrees fahrenheit - quite hot! At night, my grandfather had a birthday party - he turned 90!


The party was a lot of fun and it was great to be with family.

On Sunday, we went to church in the morning then had lunch at chipotle, one of my favorites :) We hung around the house most of the day and played with the kids. We did spend some time outside in the evening with the neighbors and watched the solar eclipse - cool stuff!

A good weekend, but a fast one!

How was your weekend?

Thanks for coming by,

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