
This topic drew me back to the memory I've always regretted and wish it can be undone or go back in time to amend it, which I know it's not possible.

I was raised with this mentality that, "everyone else I meet asides my church members is a sinner, or perhaps, engages in one form of violence or the other." The street where I grew up made this believe grew fast and deep rooted in me as almost everybody in the street appears in various form immoralities. Prostitution is one of fastest selling business there, smokers and drunkards dominated and ruled over the few saints that had no choice than to submit to them, you will even hear prophecies from them. I could remember one of them telling me that I will become a doctor when I gree up, I was still trying to figure out why he said that when another one said I will become an engineer, two contradictory prophecies, I wonder which spirit was leading them, I guess angel coholic.

This mentality had turned me, and I don't relate with any one. Most times, I'm always alone, no friend no foe, and I enjoyed being alone because it's peaceful.

Until the day I had a crush on someone. Though I went to a school that admits only male, "teenage" still had its cause to play with my emotions.
My school is well known for breeding brilliant and intelligent students with integrity, we engaged in various competitions with other schools, and our rank remain outstanding.
There was this day that I was selected as one of the students to represent the school outside the State, though I'm capable, of course, that's why I was selected, I was scared somehow.

On getting there, we saw so many students from different schools and states, different tribes and ethnics, beautiful ones and surely the ugly ones.
My mates were making friends and exchanging contact with them, but I was on my spot for the whole day, I couldn't move around to make friends because it was not my doing.
Honestly, I wouldn't have cared about this making of friends and relating with strangers of a thing, if not for the girl I was attracted to but couldn't approach. She is really a damsel, moderately fair and with no spot, she's from another ethnic other than mine, and speaks English like she is from England.

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( This photo is mine )
To cut the story short, I couldn't get her contact and we are likely never to meet again.
I dreamt of her until her memories faded away.
Now I'm at it again, still unable to make friends occasionally, I only do make friends accidentally.
The mentality that brought me up is wrong, and I wish to change it.

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