Recent Editorial By Texas Ag Commissioner Appears to Support Expansion of Cannabis

There is plenty of support for cannabis all over the US, even in areas where there is no recreational market yet like Florida and Texas. Voters there have shown that they want to see marijuana changes and more access for people in the region.

There are efforts that have been ongoing to see that change take place, even if they haven't yet been successful.

Just recently, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner has also seemed to vocalize support with a recent editorial expressing that he would like to see cannabis access expanded for medical marijuana, and it sounds like he has seen himself firsthand how cannabis can help someone.

It is easy for those who have no idea what marijuana is about to continue to support criminalization and perpetuate that arguable tyranny out of ignorance, it becomes harder when you see how people can be helped from cannabis. It seems to be an increasingly accepted narrative with many people that no individual should be left to suffer if there is something natural that might be available to help them and if they are open to using something like marijuana then why should they be made a criminal for that personal choice? Many veterans, criminal justice reform advocates, criminology experts, scientists etc, have had to work for a long time to build that area of knowledge surrounding cannabis and to make the progress that has been made up until today. It has taken a lot of work and a long time to chip away at the stigma surrounding this plant and there is still a lot of work to do.

With so many who could potentially reap value in one way or another, some might ask why does it make sense for a select few who are likely mostly ignorant about cannabis to then be the ones who are deciding why or who should have access? The people have been vocalizing their support for some time, with about 9 in 10 voters showing that they would like to see this change take place on some level at least in TX. Why aren't "reps" listening? Why do they insist on limiting this freedom of consumption for millions in the state?


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