Cannaliberty: Your Liberty Is At Stake, Vaping Proves it.


“Technically vaping is safer, but that doesn’t matter…” (Governor Cuomo of New York State). And other Insanity from the Political-Media Class

So you didn’t want to follow the Bill of Rights, science, and what the Medical Community has actually stated, that no E-CIG products have been related to vaping lung injury, and in fact, the evidence is looking more at Black Market Cannabis Vaping products, and this is actually a very, very strong general knowledge of what is actually causing this problem; specifically a Black Market product using either a Vitamin E Acetate or some other type of oil as the common lung damage is mainly caused by oil coating the lung, something E-Cigs have been proven NOT to do.

So why is New York State violating the Bill of Rights as a State government when the Bill of Rights clearly states that State Governments don’t have the right to shut down any business without due process based upon clear and convincing evidence by a Jury of Twelve. The excuse of “Public Safety” is not based upon science and fact, but emotion, propaganda and even outright Yellow Journalism.


The Governor is the Executive Branch of State Government, the State Legislature is the Legislative Branch of State Government, and the State Supreme Court is the Judicial Branch of State Government; no State Government entity can go above and beyond the Bill of Rights or the Constitution for The United States, or each State Governor would be King over their Sovereign State and that would be treason and a gross crime against the United States and that State’s Oath to be subjected to the Constitution for the United States; this is not debatable and is clearly established in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


Current Governor, Gavin Newsom, cannot place an all out ban on Vaping products in the California Republic because of, wait for it, the State Constitution and the California Republic basically a small version of the United States Government; you know, three branch balance of power?


Everyone thinks that they only Government the has four branches of Government is Federal, States don’t have the same checks and balances…they do and we are the Fourth Branch of Government, We the People.

The United States has a Legislature, Executive, and Judicial Branch of Government for Checks and Balances; Congress, The President, and the Supreme Court of The United States (made up of Nine Men and Women Justices).

Each State has a State Legislature, A Governor, and A State Supreme Court or Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches.

A County has Seat of Supervisors, Sheriff and Superior Courts.

The City has the City Council, the City Mayor, and the Municipal Court.

I know that my writing lacks prose and eloquence, yet all I want to do is get the information that will help better inform my fellow Americans who are willing to take the time to learn the truth, not react to some emotional shit storm.


Watch the linked video from a Canadian based Vaping outfit and their study of one hundred and eleven thousand of their customers purchasing data from July to current (at time of video production). This is what we need to get out to our local Representatives, our City Council members, our State Legislators and all who think to destroy liberty based on hogwash, lies, and unwillingness to even listen to the Medical and Industry experts.


There is NO epidemic or the Pharmaceutical companies would all be out of business tomorrow, if the same logic is used that immorally, unethically, and Unconstitutionally is shutting down a whole industry.

The Cry of “WE NEED TO DO IT FOR THE KIDS!” Yet, it is not kids that can legally purchase these products, these KIDS have PARENTS (Where are they in all this?) to teach them right from wrong, good from bad, that you MUST BE 18 (or 21) TO PURCHASE VAPING PRODUCTS OF ANY TYPE. I digress.

The Link to the video is just three minutes and twenty eight seconds long, and it is right to the point as it just puts the stats of over 100,000 purchaser datasets for all to see; now if only all the Vaping (Nicotine and Cannabis) outfits to put together public data like has done, and we can get that out to our Representatives and local City, County and State reps.

In that study of DashVapes customer purchasing habits, all purchases were by adults, and adults only. The Flavors are flying off the shelves because ADULTS want them and it HELPS ADULTS get OFF tobacco combustibles; some think this is the whole driving factor of shutdowns of the whole industry, and some have hinted to something like “MSA” which is a Master Settlement Agreement that I think was made with Big Tobacco back in the 1970’s or 80’s, but I will look into that and get back to you with that.

The whole thing is, KIDS CAN’T BUY VAPING PRODUCTS, so do you THINK it may be possible that it is some BLACK MARKET shit that just maybe, JUST maybe the medical establishment has already pointed OUT?.

FACT: No over the counter (OTC) Vaping Products, Nicotine based or Cannabis based, that show any kind of contaminants like pesticides, poisons, solvents…NONE and NBC did the test RIGHT ON TV. So, no one is marketing to kids, and if they were, shouldn’t it be the PARENTS who are responsible to know what their kids are up to? Oh, you don’t want to search their room? Not willing to know who their friends are? Then YOU ARE NOT A DAMN PARENT. Okay, rant over.


A Challenge to my readers: I appreciate the time you have taken to read this Article, yet that is just not good enough. We all have the ability to make a difference, demand that our local Representatives respect and honor their Oaths of Office and protect the Bill of Rights by following it and protecting individual Liberty.

None of our elected representatives has the right to shutdown whole industries and if we sit on our asses and do nothing, then we get what we deserve. You have a phone, a computer, then put down the damn game controller, close out the YouTube kitty vids and let’s make it known, as one great set of Sages stated, “We’re not gonna take it…anymore!”

It is only going to get worse unless we put aside any of our political differences and realize that Liberty is at stake, your choice of President or Candidate isn't the issue, and neither is one's own industry, it is our Liberty as individual men and women that is under attack and we need to keep this in the light. MORE coming my friends.

Peace and love to you all, and please tell me what you think, and then tell me what you REALLY think. ;-)

Constitution for the United States
Bill of Rights.

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