Cannaliberty – Heavy E-Cig Use, Lung Damage, And Reality.



That headline is what I picture in my Cannabis damaged brain when I read the latest articles on how 215 alleged vaping injury cases (interesting number for Californians) and two dead according the local news story.

The reader of these articles are going to see a lot of assumptions without real empirical evidence where we can say, “Ah, this is the culprit, lets now discuss the ‘why’ it causes problems, and in the mean time the supply line can make sure that substance ‘A’ is no longer able to contaminate the supply chain.”

Acting with out Thinking – and it’s for the Children (wait, what?)

I have a lot of questions that I would need answered before I even come close to making a decision that will affect a whole legitimate industry (you know, free market) without due process, verifiable research from completely independent sources and fully (double) blind studies; until the facts are in, there is no legit way to shutdown one’s right to pursue Happiness.

So the article I read from NBC online, stated that an 18 year old man (he can vote, go to war, he is a man) tells a journalist that in all his days in the Public Education Industrial Complex, that the fine upstanding 18 year old adult male had no clue as to the very addictive nature of Nicotine? Dude must have been on that phone and vaping in the boy’s room during class hours.

A local article from the Modesto Bee (do your research), pushes how we need to protect the health and safety of our children, from the evil e-Cig industry, and the e-Cig industry is throwing the Cannabis industry under the bus, and it is all for the children…wait What in Sam Hell, for the Children? If you don’t get why that is a biG Question on one’s rational logic faculties, then the rest of this article is really going to give you a mind hump.

The Latest Study is Inconclusive and then some…

Yes, the study that is being sited by many is not conclusive when you read the whole study and follow the studies own conclusions. This study was very limited, used only lab test rodents (where is PETA when you need them?), and in conditions that nowhere come close to the real world; yes, the real world where you and I have to navigate on a daily basis.

This study is appears to be more of a class project than a real full-on national product study and would give us serious data that we can all then discuss and navigate over some really good beer and a great Cannabis product (if you don’t vape, we still have a drink and enjoy vigorous rhetoric), and workout the details with real hard facts.


It sucks that people end up hurting themselves over their own choices made in life. Look at the marriage/divorce rate, we tend to want someone else to pay for our own sins (don’t like that word, deal with it bubba) rather than be the men and women we pretend to be. No one deserves to become sick from a bad product, and the market will deal with that, it is also just as bad to make choices that hurt yourself then want me and mine to pay for it…in a word, that is bullshit and you know it. Let’s make sure the supply is safe and free of contamination through the already regulated testing being done on product (at least here in California), let’s not tell others what they can or can’t do with their own bodies and property, and let's not regulate because some young dummy was using his vaping products against their intended use.

Just some questions and then I am done...maybe

How do we even know that it is Cannabis products that are the link to lung damage, how do we know that it is not the e-Cig industry trying to hide that there is less oversight than there is in the Cannabis industry? Isn’t it true that all e-Cig users were heavy “cloud” blowers who hit that e-Cig like it is a religion? What about all the flavors used to make e-Cig juice do what it does?

I have so many questions and have not seen any studies that prove anything but what happens in lab rodents (PETA where are you?), and the latest “study” is not be replicated by any independent researchers. So how do we know the actual culprit in this alleged Cannabis Crime? We just don’t know, so any move to limit or shutdown the industry is highly questionable at the least, and immoral at the worse…government anyone?

Leave your comments and let me know what you really think! Thanks and make Cannaliberty keep pressing on.

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