Need of an Old Monk : Marijuana

Marijuana, is a kind of weed and a way to lost in a different world . it is kind of intoxication that many people are habitual to it. People use to smoke Marijuana to strengthen their energy level. It was legal till 1985 in India.


I came across to this old monk , well I am referring the old man as old monk because he is local priest in our area . Also known as Baba.


After day long activities. the priest need to take the weeds to relax their body and mind. I try to capture the smoke that is coming out from nose mouth and ear. he seems to be quite an experience guy that make the smoke from every corner of his face..... quite interested.... They put the weed and n small pipe called Chillam, ignite the weed and make a puff of smoke with each intake. However needs healthy and huge protein to save life from its side effects. Egg, Mutton, Milk, Ghee etc are must in daily basis otherwise after few years only bones are visible. italic


Disclaimer: Any types of smoke is harmful for human health be safe don’t try this.


Thats all for this meet you all soon!!



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