#WednesdayWalk - Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland


Wednesdays, I am motivated to make sure I walk and take photos so I can hang with the cool kids on #wednesdaywalk. Today is a beautiful winter day, which are words some might think don't go well together. Let me show you why they do.

Much of the day was spent pinned to the office to get work stuff done. From my window I can see the sun but not really enjoy the weather. Makes the break to pick up the kids a little more sweet even while driving home through the grave yard.



The roads are clear and dry, show is still smooth where it has been undisturbed, and the sky is the cleanest blue you can imagine. Surely there will be someone who wants to go for a walk.


Sniffy McDoggerson is always game to go for a Wednesday Walk no matter what the weather. He makes a quick detour to make sure no snabbits are invading his front yard.


The front yards looks as if it is a rabbit super highway, or maybe a rave. Some of these are dog prints sniffing the rodent prints but shows you how long the snow has been there and that hibernators are waking.


Looking pretty rough out here...maybe we should skip the walk?



This is what he lives for and it has become a ritual not only on Wednesdays, but every night I am able. The dogs get to know eachother and you can see the personalities and the culture among his friends that show up consistently.


They chase and roll and tumble all over the football-sized field no matter what the weather or turf conditions. A warm dry summer day might be preferable to this scene but today is much better than it will be in a month. The snow is packed down from so many people and dogs who enjoy the park. As the temperatures rise and the snow turns to water, the grass underneath will quickly turn to mud and we will miss the nice snow.


After a round of K9 royal rumble, we pass through a gate to a mile or so of path spread over a few acres of forest. It is pretty bare now with the trees devoid of leaves but it thickens up nicely in the summer. I will probably have a pic for every season by the summer to compare.


I really don't know whether this goofy shnook enjoys playing with the other dogs in the wide open area or running through the forest more. He probably gets 10x as many steps as I do in the forest paths as he runs, zigs and zags, and probably investigates every fallen log in the place each visit. I do love my action shots, especially those where he looks like he is smiling.


Sometimes, it even feels like you are being followed. thickets of bushes can look like someone standing there in your peripheral vision as Blair Witch flashbacks hit you. Can you see any spooky figures over my shoulder? Either way, good motivation for even more steps.


As the sun goes down behind me, even the far eastern sky is showing some colour. It is getting dark later & later and making me think toward summer where this could be 9:30 pm...without the snow of course. The electric towers are not so aesthetically pleasing until you realize this awesome park would have been something else if they were not casting wires overhead. There are sports fields all around the park but the power lines make this land easily reserved and revered by dog walkers. Perfect for a few thousand happy steps.

Thanks again for sharing my wintery Wednesday Walk!


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Is there a dog park near you?

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