RE: Wednesday Walk - Chapmans Peak and The Clay Cafe

The mountain you can see jutting out toward to sea is called The Sentinel and when the tide is low, there is the most incredible coastal hiking trail near its base.

Wonderful view. That sunset (or sunrise?) Is so peaceful. By the way, we also have mountains, but we do not have a sea. I live in a landlocked country (in Hungary), and to see a sea, I would have to visit one of the neighbour countries. But I have not visited any so far, so I have not seen and I have not felt what it is like to be in and around the sea.

One of my hobbies is amateur radio, and I heard that the shortwave propagation on the lower bands (mostly on 1.8 MHz and on 3.5 MHz) is very good in and around the seas. They say that you can make a two-way contact with the whole world with a simple vertical antenna, or even with a simple wire and dipole antenns, which sounds very exciting.

Either way, thank you for posting this. Your photo somehow made me relaxed and feel peaceful.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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