Wednesday walk challenge in Harlem and Steem Basic Income Give away

Wednesday walk challenge in Harlem and Steem Basic Income Give away

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by me, the idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start. And this is my entry for this week, but first, let me explain the challenge.

I love seeing all the walks people share from all around the globe each week, this past week we had 57 Wednesday walk posts, thank you all

Also before I forget today is SPUD ( Steem Power Up Day) an idea started by @streetstyle , check out his latest post about it [here] ( I have done my power up to support this initiative ;)

This is my post for the Wednesday Walk challenge hosted by myself, let me first explain the guidelines

Try and get out once a week for a short walk, can be from your office, home or anywhere really and walk for a few blocks or a few minutes looking for things to get shots of.

Your walk does not have to be on a Wednesday I just ask if possible to share your walk photos on a Wednesday.

Try and get a few shots not just one

You can look for anything in general or decide on one subject you want to get shots off.

Try to limit yourself to a set distance or time from the starting location, say 5 Blocks, 5 Minutes walk or whatever and see what you can find in that short distance

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss

Do a post with the shots you get on a Wednesday and tag it with #wednesdaywalk, also if you happen to join, please leave a link to your post in a comment on this post and I will try and visit them all.

Following me and resteeming the post so more see it would be appreciated but isn't a rule just a suggestion, but you may have a better chance of receiving a Steem Basic Income Share if you do.

I am not strict on these rules and hence why they are called guidelines and not rules

I will try and visit, resteem and upvote all who take part in the Wednesday Walk, plus I will be sending @steembasicincomeshares to a selection of those who participate.

This weeks walk from 125th Street Metro North Station

For this weeks Walk that I will share, I will share some shots I took one morning when I decided to get off the train At the 125th Street Hudons Station and take a stroll

Harlem has some very cool old buildings and I will share a couple starting with this one, which at first thought I was considering doing in Mono with the golden morning light on it I had to keep it in color

1 WW buildings in Harlem.jpg

Sony A7iii 29mm F8 1/60 ISO 100
*Click here to view larger

For this next building i went with mono I love the style of many buildings in this area, but this one particularly

1 WW buildings in Harlem-2.jpg

Sony A7iii 26mm F8 1/125 ISO 400
*Click here to view larger

My walk took me through Marcus Garvey Park where i saw some more sings of spring including this little tree

1 WW tree Marcus Garvey Park.jpg

Sony A7iii 27mm F8 1/125 ISO 640
*Click here to view larger

And still in Marcus Garvey Park I came across this statue by Kim Dacres and Daniel Alexander called Peaceful Perch

1 WW Peaceful Perch artists Kim Dacres and Daniel Alexander Matthews Marcus Garvey Park.jpg

Sony A7iii 240mm F8 1/125 ISO 2500
*Click here to view larger

And now we get to where i was heading to witht he plan to start my photowalk that morning, but as you can see I still had my camera out getting shots along the way.
This is in Central Park, at the opposite end of the park from the Pond and Gapstow bridge which I have shared before in an area called Harlem Meer and one of the walkways into the park.

As you can probably guess from this shot I got here at around 7 Oclock and not to many people were walking the paths at this stage.

1 WW Harlem Meer.jpg

Sony A7iii 32mm F8 1/125 ISO 400
*Click here to view larger

And here ends this weeks post, but not the walk, I continued walking through Central Park for a while sincevit was such a beautiful morning

Steem Basic Income give away

I mentioned in the guidelines that from this week I will be sponsoring a few who join the #wednesdaywalk challenge with shares on Steem Basic Income

What is Steem Basic Income you may ask well here is how they explain it

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content. so I have decided to send some Steem Basic Income shares to 5 people selected through a random draw so on the weekend all people who joined in last weeks Wednesday walk. @hmayak, @amuchtar, @fruityexplorer, @porters, @dabeckster, all people who joined in last weeks Wednesday walk . And a special bonus this week @elizacheng will send one SBI share to @joalvarez,

I would love to be able to give everyone who joins a Steem Basic Income share, but I don't make enough steem each week to do so, but I will try and share them around fairly between those that join the challenge

I hope a few of you may find this an interesting challenge and decide to join in.

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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!steemitworldmap 40.805091 lat -73.941149 long Harlem NYC d3scr

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