The Deep Thaw

A deep thaw of all of the snow we have gotten last week was taking place, the people of the city began to rejoiced, maybee winter will finally be over, but probably the crazy winter weather will be back next week, but none the less, the weather was more bearable.
I said to the wife, I think I might have to go for a walk, take advantage of the lovely weather and enjoy the outdoors, she responded with, just go outside on the porch and take a photo of that tree outside, it looks amazing, our property is a magical place, with a of the birds, squirrels and trees.
I agreed with her about the tree, so I took a photo of it, but I needed to get out and explore.

So I found myself strolling downtown, I normally drive through downtown really early in the morning, so I don't normally see anyone outside.
As I made my way downtown, I couldn't help but notice the commotion up ahead, I found myself being a little curious, I quickened my pace, but not too much faster, I still had to be careful, because there was tons of puddles of water everywhere, all over the sidewalks and even the roads, soon I found myself in the midst of the choas, three policeman were standing tall, making there authoritative presence and they were glaring at
disheveled figures tweaking out, It was a scene straight out of a thriller movie. And it ended very quickly though, the policeman just went back to their cars.
As I continued my journey, I noticed a group of people pushing shopping carts filled to the brim with their belongings. Their presence added a errie atmosphere.
I did catch the glimpses of a few average citizens going along there daily routines. They seemed oblivious to the turmoil surrounding them, it was a weird reminder of the reality that coexisted in this part of the city.
I found myself getting lost in my thoughts and I failed to notice a large puddle of water ahead, with one misstep, I found my left foot plunging into the icy water, my left foot instantly soaked

I decided to warm up and let my foot dry, so I checked out a new restaurant. Unfortunately they were out of donuts, ahhh
The restaurant has been around for three weeks now, their pizza looked great, maybee I'll get some on payday.

After that I walked to the library and dried my left foot some more and then I walked home.
No style, no restrictions. Just a thrilling tale of a city on the edge.

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