Wednesday Walk

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by @tattoodjay, The idea is to get out for a short walk, and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wednesday Walk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Walking's a great way to create. The ideas seem to fall from the sky sometimes, and the fresh air is great too. - Kenneth G. Eade


I absolutely agree with Kenneth G. Eade on this. Ideas had come to me while I was walking. Unfortunately, most of these ideas – like those you had when you were about to fall asleep, or when you were in the midst of doing something else, they were completely forgotten by the time I reached home.

There is something very pleasing when you see the familiar scenes before you on your walk – the trees, the flowers, the regular walkers and acquaintances you made on your walks, especially when the route is also very scenic. The trees and flowers feel like old friends, always there to greet you, and surprise you with their blooms and colours.


PCN printed on the road stands for Park Connector. There is a on-going project to connect the whole island with these Park Connectors so that one could literally walk, or cycle to anywhere on the island.

These housing estates are near, or beside the canal and walk path.


Here in the tropics, we get cloudy skies. I love watching the cloud formations. They fascinate me - since young.

Sometimes, I get to have a peek at the residences in the canal. There are a few of these Komodo dragons.

Sometimes, you see them on land.

Is that a Kingfisher, or a Heron? waiting for its meals.


Flowers of the week – Wikipedia lists this as the Duranta Erecta. There are quite a few beds of these, hedge height along the path.



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