I found a new strange website

Hey there,

i like to browse the web and i like weird stuff! So no wonder i came across this website www.staggeringbeauty.com

image.png image source:www.staggeringbeauty.com

This little guy here want to be shaked "vigorously"

image.png image source:www.staggeringbeauty.com

I don´t want to spoil it, but i would say this website is highly responsive to your mouse movement.

image.png image source:www.staggeringbeauty.com

But be careful, don´t go wild on this guy or you might see a surprise.

image.png image source:www.staggeringbeauty.com

i could not really figure out what it is about i found an old old old Facebook profile and some apps from, by guess, the same person behind this.

image.png image source: www.facebook.com

But this person is probably a genius in webdesign. Let me know if you know more about what all that is about!

Give it a try and have some epic(leptic) fun.

beware! if you have problems with high-flashing pictures!!!

Enjoy the weirdness of the internet!

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