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Interesting Mental Affect From The Storms ("Hurricane Head")

It's interesting man, having been in Irma...

I'm not entirely sure on what's going on with my body or head, I've never felt this way and this is a feeling that has stuck with me since Irma rolled through and then this other low pressure system that just passed by. I feel like a complete and total slug, my mind feels like it's been in a fog, I ache, my appetite is totally shot even though I've been forcing myself to eat two meals a day. I'm having an incredibly difficult time getting excited about anything and my life is the most turbulent it has ever been! I'm moving back to Colorado on 10/25/2017 to live with one of my old best friends and finally get my life in order as a musician and whatnot. I have a lot to look forward to and even be anxious about but I can't even feel that. I played my guitar for a few hours yesterday, I just am not feeling it... it's almost like a strange depression but with a bizarre physical overtone. Also my blood sugar levels have been elevated which I'm sure is contributing but still, I've been diabetic since 15 (I'm type 1, 27 years old now) I haven't experienced this type of feeling before. It's strange. I have a friend that called this "Hurricane Head" and even more friends reporting bizarre migraines, lots of people are losing their voices and getting infections which isn't too surprising... but still...

I'm not sure what this is either but my eyes personally have been much more sensitive to the sun since the hurricane and kinda since the eclipse but more recently since the hurricane for sure. I hope this changes and I snap out of it when I get home to Colorado, I can't take this feeling whatever it is. I do need to worry about Seasonal Affect when I'm there but thankfully that's what small amounts of edible THC is for among other things like Tai Chi, works just fine.

Is anyone else in South Florida or the Florida Keys experiencing physiological changes as badly as I am?
