Fascination for weather predictions

As long as I can remember I have had a fascination for weather and snow in particular. Honestly I think most Dutchies have a bigger interest for the weather because while living in Holland it can change so daily, that it is not a thing to check every day on what kind of temperature and how moisty it is going to be, just to be prepared. Naturally this changed when I moved to the Caribbean, because the weather is just super stable there (fair enough not in hurricane season), but in general there is absolutely no need to follow the weather.

Now while I am located in Switzerland this old fascination is starting to come back. How and when is snow is forming and falling, and how much the precipitation will be.


By September I would start getting my first itch of the season starting to poke friends on what they would be doing in the winter. The first plans would be made with maybe getting a long weekend in December in the Alps, followed by a late January beginning February trip, maybe touching it of with one or two longer weekends in the spring, depending how good the snow is.

Yes, you can fairly say that I do like snowsports and that I would rather not go ANYWHERE in the summer as long as I would get my snow fix in the winter time.


And all these types of images would haunt me throughout these autumn months because I would want to see what it going on. You see snow is a tricky weather type. You need precipitation but also cold at the same time, and those things often do not go hand in hand. Moist is coming either from the Atlantic to the Alps or from the Mediterranean sea. Is the wind too South West, then the water will be too warm, bringing to warm temperatures AKA ordinary rain, and so forth. Explaining all these types of weather cards predicting what will happen you have cool sites explaining this into the small details.

Wepowder is one of these, a special site for freeriders, but also a Dutch site called Wintersportweerman is a site where I learned a tremendous amount of, even until the moment where it really gets a little nerdy every now and then.

Because reality is ofcourse, we can talk about the weather and potential snowfall as much as we actually want, but we can not change it. So what in the end it the point of long term prediction for a person like me?

Fun, that is the point!

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