RE: Ecency waves Apr 25

An anecdote of saying GOOD MORNING in my college Days

During the first year of my college days, I was also subject to ragging(although it was mild, and nothing harsh or physical abuse, mostly on the funnier side).

Seniors told me to put on the collar button and asked me to wish all the seniors Good Morning or Good Afternoon as the case may be. I headed to their command and started wishing, however, I missed it a few times because I had not made it a habit by that time, as I was completely new.

So I was summoned by the seniors and they humiliated me in a gathering of my colleagues. And I was made to understand that I should not miss a single chance to say Good Morning and Good Afternoon.

It was a challenge for me and I accepted it upfront. I started chasing my seniors and said Good Morning/Good Afternoon every now and then and anywhere & everywhere, including Canteen, Labs, Banks, Recreation Hall, and Playground.

In the meantime, a few of them felt offended by my act of wishing them exorbitantly and they all again summoned me and relieved me from the duty of saying Good Morning/Good Afternoon.

Author- Milaan

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