Growing waterlilies in small spaces


Waterlilies are by far the most beautiful and easiest plants to grow. You don’t need a big pond; you don’t need green fingers. I grow them in paint buckets and old baby bath tubs. I am serious.

Waterlilies will bloom for most part of the year if you live in a sunny tropical climate. They need about 6-8 hours of sunlight to bloom. There are varieties which bloom every day of the year as well, choose the variety you like.

You need a wide plastic tub one foot in depth, made for outdoors, some soil, manure, pebbles and white sand. Simple isn’t it?

Fill your tub with a mixture (1:1) of soil and manure right up to the half way mark. Plant your waterlily in it, slight press down the soil. Add pebbles and sand as a top layer to keep the water looking clean. Fill it right up to the top with water.

Keep the tub under shade for a week before you expose it to the sun. Your plants need to survive the transplant shock. Using an umbrella over your tub would be easier than moving it around.


A small but effective tip to reduce transplant shock is to add a table spoon of Epsom salt to the water. Your plant will bloom bright and beautiful flowers if you feed them with fertilizer pellets once a month.

First posted by me on Uptrennd

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