“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans." - Kahlil Gibran

I keep reading and hearing.., one of the next big "crisis's" could be -- WATER. It's hard to imagine, not having anything to drink. But, really… Now, you gotta go f*ck with my water! And then when you think about it… We have a crisis with just about everything related to this beautiful earth.

We rape it for our fuel.., and drill it like some ditch. The air is toxic.., and our food is filled with, who knows what -- and who even owns the seed. So, it's not that crazy to think… Yeah -- why not..? A water crisis.

No doubt.., this coming "water scarcity problem," as they like to call it -- will be caused by governments.., and probably have something to do, with the damage we inflict every second, of every day. Our ever growing population.., and the energy production it will need

There are already 7 states listed as a -- severe drought (running out of water).

  • Texas - Pct. severe drought: 56.1%
  • Oklahoma - Pct. severe drought: 64.5%
  • Arizona - Pct. severe drought: 76.3%
  • Kansas - Pct. severe drought: 80.8%
  • New Mexico - Pct. severe drought: 86.2%
  • Nevada - Pct. severe drought: 87.0%
  • California - Pct. severe drought: 100.0%

Libya - Western Sahara - Yemen - Djibouti -  Jordan

These states are under mandatory water retractions… Along with 5 countries, that not only face routine water shortages.., they don't have the money to buy it. Much of it due to global warming and desertification (that once fertile land -- not anymore).

When the well's dry, we know the worth of water. - Benjamin Franklin

That's not to mention.., that 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Even 71% of the earth is covered by water -- there are 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of fresh water available for human consumption. Obviously, that is not enough, if there are still.., so many without.

The biggest headlines in the news, recently.., made is all aware of some jackass government official trying to save a few pennies on the backs of the less fortunate (scumbag). And, in this country.., will walk away squeaky clean. These families, not have to sit around a wait to see which of the many chronic diseases they will develop, due to this horrific, criminal act.

I heard of the "shortages" and not being able to water your lawn or wash your car… But there are and always have been, some serious issues.., concerning people getting enough clean water. The UN predicts that by 2030 about half the people in the world will be living in countries short on water.

Water scarcity is both a natural and a human-made phenomenon. There is enough freshwater on the planet for seven billion people but it is distributed unevenly and too much of it is wasted, polluted. - The UN

There have droughts as far back as the 13th century.., and of course -- the Dust Bowl of the 1930's. But, with all the technology -- all the great minds that exist.., it's hard to believe that we can't deal with this… Which brings me to my next point -- 

Conspiracy Theories:

  • Are huge amounts of water being whisked out of the country, and shipped to Asia…
  • Is our water supply being tainted with ant-psychotic drugs, purposely…
  • The lakes and rivers are being emptied by American corporations…
  • Or are they just planning big privatization deals with the government...

While all these might sound, a bit.., whacky -- to some. Others, are not so quick to brush-off… Citing there own facts and statistics. We all know that our water is polluted with all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs, different kinds of fuel, BPA's and some other very unpleasant stuff.

A little research and you can see, not only corporations.., but some individuals are buying up water rights around the world for their own future profiting off of the coming shortages (good business right). And the fluoride alone, which is completely unnecessary -- screwing with our health.

To be honest.., it's hard to know what to believe, anymore…With our governments so separated from it's people, it's hard for them to be a priority. and they are masters of rationalization… And keeping their jobs. When you here that the Bush family has bought 100,000 acres in Paraguay, only because it is sitting on top of the worlds largest aquifer (underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock that you can extract water from), only to sell it in a pinch, for a nice tidy profit, Im sure.

“Life in us is like the water in a river.” - Henry David Thoreau

And then there's the wildlife.., that we rob of it's bounty -- it's well being and pride. The fish we will kill, the birds we will ground. Our big cats face a future of searching for drink, when diminishing snowcaps stop flowing to the streams. And the very cattle that roam -- to malnourished to conceive.

The threat of lack of water.., effects us psychologically, too. You see, we tend to perceive water shortages as a threat to our very existence. And not just something we stress about… How will the mind deal with having to cope with a lack of water..? We know how detrimental an insufficient amount of water is on the physical body -- but it also messes with your head.

Spiritually water has been used throughout time as a sacred value of life. For purification, protection and healing. We are in awe of it… It's beauty, power, colors. We can stare at the ocean for hours -- spellbound by it's majesty. The lack of it's presence in our life, would surely effect our spirit, most of all.

Diminishing water will have consequences, unseen… It is the tie that binds us.

The implications of such a travesty are horrendously blatant… The death that awaits, poverty it will spawn. The disease it will breed and the conflicts it will start. Do deny this possible, to believe it untrue -- do we capitulate.., and do, what they expect us to do..? Or can we dig a little deeper, search for the truth… To make sure, something like this.., doesn't become, anymore of a reality, than it already is…

For some it will not be as simple, as a paying a higher water bill. But will effect their well being.., and many mortally. And with all the decisiveness in our politics, the greed in their hearts.., it's hard to imagine -- it won't happen, at all!

It surrounds us with it's generosity.., 

while it cleanses our soul.

We bathe in it's beauty,

as it nourishes our being.

To think a lack of water,

is inevitably on it's way…

The fear that it will breed,

and hope destroy.

The brilliance it's blessed us with,

could soon be in short supply.

For what have we done…

to deserve this remorse.

And what can we do to -- reverse it's course!

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