My war diary. Tenth day. Living update from Kyiv


Hello there!

The tenth day has begun. It's still me, although my face ID don't recognise my face anymore. šŸ˜’ Some of my girls feel like get 10 years elder... I am okay and Nick too. I took into account my experience and now I'm wearing a beanie. Always.

  • My 24h shift as a volunteer has started yesterday, but I was an hour late because of air alert and kaboom sounds.

  • I am in a "kitchen team". But when I and two my new maters arrived at the spot, I was asked to work as a driver with my own car. I had a chance to see the city... After 2014, my fear threashold is pretty high as my office was in maybe 300 m from the epicenter, and I
    went to and from work past the barricades and ranks of those beasts in uniform who beat unarmed students with truncheons. So I had no panic or so even when driving under air alarm. After all, city is prepared for defence.

  • I had a sleepless night. It was not cold to sleep because I weared a ski pants, long trecking socks, sleepeng bag, alaska and my head was totally covered with a big hood. But I was in a big hall with a lot of men, they snore, and one such troubadour slept next to me. I cannot complain, because guys gave me the best place and even a matters. šŸ’–

  • This is the first time I really want to go home, to have a shower and do some exersices for my back as it still hurts like hell.

  • Despite all, there is an infrequent bus connection. And metro.

  • Pineapple, I ate pineapple! One of the fighters worked as a chief in a restaurant. He brought few pineapples for the volunteers as a token of gratitude! For the first time in a while, someone prepared something for us, served it and cleaned it up after himself. There are so many young, talented, educated people with big hearts here, the best people! I write with tears...

  • Home sweet home. šŸ˜Š Hello, hot water, face toner, eye cream, soft cloth. Do you miss me, because I do!
  • Massage, I would kill for massage.


Information for those who want to help!


Account number (IBAN)
Account Holder Name
TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number)
Clear Junction Limited
Bank address
15 Kingsway, London WC2B 6UN


UA 04 322001 00000 2620 0326 6354 82
Account No
SHAST VLADYSLAV, 03087, Ukraine, c. Kyiv, blvd. Chokolivskii, build. 39

Account with Institution
Swift code

Details of payment. It is very important to specify the purpose of the payment correctly. Choose the option you want depending on who sent you the payment.


  • private transfer
  • transfer to own account
  • help to relative


  • honorarium
  • compensation for ...

A usage report will be provided.

OR, you can send HIVE/HBD to my wallet and I will do the rest.

Actually, all reward from these posts I donate to our heroic defenders.

  • 14:20. Nick has called. He is being transferred to another location, don't know where yet. I feel like my heart has stopped. Begging you, Lord, keep him safe!

  • 18:40. Still no news from Nick. šŸ˜³ I pulled myself together a little bit, busy with finding funds for them, they need a great sum tomorrow. But what will I do in the night? How can I sleep??

  • Can't watch TV and hear their voices. Reading news on the net, and even so it's horrible, what russian troops do with civilians and civil infrastructure. My gym burned down, by the way. I wonder what do you see on your news.

  • 19:45. I just got a call from Nick. What a relief!! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

  • My dearest, how grateful I am to you for your donations! I am moved to tears, although it seemed to me that I had no more tears. The amount needed for tomorrow seemed astronomical. But I'm starting to believe that we can make it. My colleague is also willing to donate $1,000 tomorrow! All money I that I find will go directly where Nick is!

6 March

  • Yesterday the air alarm was cancelled at 00:21, and I fell asleep. I did not hear the next air alarm, and woke up at 9 o'clock. That's great. And Nick is okay.

  • Yesterday, after an online consultation, I was able to relax my body muscles. Last night I was like a ball of wire.

  • Packed up for a shift, but the siren sounded again. I'm still at home and have a few minutes for HIVE.

  • My work mate reached out to help our accountant. She lives in the next flat block, has panic attacks and don't leave the building. She need some food. I called her, and she's really in a depression. Besides, yesterday she sheltered a woman, a friend of her from Irpin, it's a satellite city near Kyiv. The shell hit her apartment. The husband died, he was taken to the morgue, and she was plastered in a hospital, and somehow she got here. Now there are two of them, hungry and barely alive from fear.

  • I again worked a bit as a driver, drove around the city. The soles of the boots started to fall apart. This is a problem, because I have only one of these boots, and I wear them every day. The good news is that volunteers here found slippers and glue for me. It's so sweet.

  • I got a chance to see Nick for a moment and kissed him good bye šŸ’”

Will update when possible.

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