Letters from my mom

Hello, everyone

Today I had the first opportunity in a week to talk to my mother on the phone. I was very happy and at the same time very scared, because here you never know what to expect.

Nothing has changed in her situation. The village is still in the blockade zone, but now we hope that it will be possible to start transporting food and animal feed. We hope it works.

Mom says that the shelling is still very strong, the house is constantly shaking. But she is doing well so far, and I want to believe that this will continue to be the case in the future.

The good news is that mom figured out a way she can blog even when she's in a dead zone. She decided to write posts and send me photos of them via facebook so that I can post them here on her behalf. That is what I will start doing tomorrow. I have already explained why she cannot publish herself - there is practically no connection, and the one that is is too unstable.

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