Novacadian's Nova Scotia Biking Tours (Part 4)

The Halifax Harbour Greenway Tour

It had been ages since traveling on the Halifax Ferries, so it seemed a great way to spend some of my Saturday. The pic below was the intended route. It turned into one of those "Best laid plans of mice and men, oft times go astray" kind of things, but more on that later.

My residence is in the upper left of the photo below; under the "ID" and to the left of "Dr" for them counting kms.


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First order of business was to get myself to the waterfront's boardwalk. It was a lovely day for it, with not too many people taking advantage of the harbour view.

You can see George's Island clearly starting at about 0:17 of this next clip. The island is situated just about in the middle of the harbour. It has "Discovery" written over it in the map above. The shots across the harbour are pointing towards, what will be, my trail on the other side.

Then it was on to the Halifax Ferry to make the crossing to Dartmouth. Halifax is, now, known as Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). It encompasses pretty much all of what had been Halifax County and stands in line to be one of the future city states of the world with about 40% of the Provence's population, of one million, living there. In my younger days Dartmouth had been a city of its own and Bedford a town. They are now all included in the sprawling HRM.

Leaving Halifax and heading to Dartmouth:

George's Island comes into frame at about 0:16 of the clip above.

Once disembarked from the ferry the trail begins just outside of the Terminal which has "Dartmouth" marked over it on the map above. It makes it very easy, for those new to the trail, to pick it up.

There were some lovely look offs along the way to the second terminal.

Starting at about 0:11, you can see a ferry crossing the harbour in this next clip; be it quite far off.

The following clip is further along the trail which looks off towards Halifax' south end; the most extreme of which is Point Pleasant Park which was included in Part 2 of this series. At the end of the clip is George's Island, again, which may give some relativity of my movements.

It was not long after that when the other Ferry Terminal was reached. To my chagrin it is closed on the weekends. Evidentally its primary use is for commuting during the work-a-week. This was a good lesson in planning one's rides. A bit like the carpenter's measure thrice and cut once.

Needless to say my route had to be retraced. This meant reclaiming lost altitude along the trail. (Translation: climbing hills which had been ridden down to get to the second terminal). Those looking for a good workout could plan for a weekend ride. All others should plan it for a weekday and catch the ferry back from the Woodside Terminal.

All in all a pleasant ride which hopefully you have enjoyed.

Thanks for your #ridewithme!

Previous Episodes...

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

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