Novacadian's Nova Scotia Biking Tours (Part 3)

My wonderful tenant which has rented my downstairs apartment for a number of years has, finally, taken my advice and purchased their own place. He did not opt for an income property against my advice. Wishing them all the best.

The great thing is that my daughter and her partner are taking the upstairs while my residence will return to the downstairs where all the memories of raising my daughter reside. Kind of a full circle of sorts that is a story deserving of its own series of posts.

Anyway, one project was to bring the wiring of The House LAN downstairs. It needed about 50 feet of cable. The best deal seemed to be found at the establishment with a fitting statement in their brand... Best Buy.


Even in my internal combustion vehicle driving years, the ride to their location in the Bayer's Lake Industrial Park, from peninsula Halifax, seemed a good distance. It was to my surprise to find how a section of the BLT Trail made the ride seem trivial. The trail is part of what once had been the south shore CNN rail line.

BLT Web Site:

The route is along the black line beginning on the mid left, of the following image, where the number "103" is marked. That is the first overpass in the video. The video ends at the top right of the following image, where it is written "Joseph Howe Dr."

After finding my holy grail it was all downhill on my return.

Because the trail uses what had been the old south shore railroad line, which was discontinued in the late 90's, the grades are steady but gentle.

My exit from the trail was adjacent the Ashburn Golf Course.

Come #ridewithme!

  • Ledgen
    0:00 On Chain Lake Dr. on route out of Bayer's Lake Industrial Park
    1:34 Entering the BLT Trail
    1:46 Passing man on a stroll
    1:56 Passing another man on a stroll
    2:10 Passing under a major overpass used as an entry point into Halifax
    2:48 Passing man pushing a wheelchain with another man in it.
    3:44 Passing a jogger
    4:00 Passing another bicyclist
    4:27 Ditto
    4:33 Ditto
    4:45 Passing pedestrian road hogs
    5:56 Stop at lookoff to Chain Lake. It is the emergency water supply for the city.
    6:37 Passing under overpass which is being worked on.
    8:30 First city street crossing
    9:28 Passing another bicyclist
    10:31 Second city street crossing
    11:41 Passing two joggers
    11:59 Back at Ashburn Golf Course main entrance

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Part 1:

Part 2:

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