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Wisdom of charity

  • A little treasure squelches our hell *


Friends of all who are loved by Allah SWT, how hard life in this World requires us to spend almost 80% of our time to hunt for a small Rupiah, then so easy we spend the rupiah is only for things that are in vain, should this life continue us travel like this? Ooohh ...... So tiring,

TIME continues to pass and so quickly change, we must realize that it reduces our CHANCE to create WORKS and AMAL SHOLEH which can be UP and INVESTMENT for our SAFETY in the next Life episode, which there are only two choices: SUFFERING FOREVER or ENJOYING FREEDOM and HAPPINESS UNLIMITED,

It is time we give a better and more consistent Budget Portion for BEKAL and INVESTMENT Our Hereafter, that we are ready to wait for His call,

It is time for us to reduce all the futile activities, all forms of expense for the gratification of Lust and Shiva should be cut short immediately, to we turn to more serious collection activity BEKAL to our next life that is Nature Barzah and Hereafter,

I offer you all a Project that makes the Rupiah we can keep our KEBAGAGIAN in the World until the Hereafter, will you?

Approach the Santri-santri who are memorizing the Koran in your places, the orphans and the Dhuafa who expect the Scholarship, the rest of them Alms as best they can

Their seriousness in learning, worship, charity sholeh and memorizing Al-Quran is quite proud,

For those of us who want to BULLET THE PRINCIPLES OF ANY LETTERS they read and memorized, so then berinfaqlah for them orphans, the dhuafa and the SANTRI PENGHAFAL AL-QUR'AN,

Imagine each of them reading, memorizing and repeating the recitation at least 1 Juz every day, while reading a letter of Al-Quran alone can have 10 goodness, 1 Juz approximately 6000 letters,

It was glorious when we participate well as facilitate their needs until they are happy with them and be successful there needs to memorize 30 Juz Al-Quran will be practiced during his life,

Now happy orphans and children who memorize the Koran, when they graduate they will become Quran Teachers and Quran ambassadors who will continue to Teach the Qur'an from Generation to Next Generation, a THE PROJECT OF GOD that will continue to flow the ever-ending Merits, of course for themselves and for all of us who participate in facilitating their success, Amen.