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Made Poverty


Made Poverty

There is a question from the companions that are assembled in a summary of descriptions that arouse my desire to understand more deeply.

Steemian Friends ...
He explained that Allah has created everything in pairs.

Day and night
Crying and laughing
Men and Women
Left and Right
Life and death
Difficult and Happy

The whole of the couple is based on the arguments. There is one question from the friend,

Is there any poverty Allah Swt created?

Based on the Naqli argument from the texts there is no evidence that Allah has created poverty. Here are some arguments about everything God has created in pairs,

  1. Allah SWT has created Cries and Laughter. Based on the argument,

: وأنه هو أضحك وأبكى

("and He is the one who makes people laugh and cry.")
[QS. An-Najm: 43].

  1. Allah SWT who has made Live and Died. Based on the argument,

: وأنه هو أمات وأحيا

("and He is the deadly and the lively")
[QS. An-Najm: 44]

  1. Allah SWT that has created male and female.

: وأنه خلق الزوجين الذكر والأنثى

("and He was the one who created the pairs men and women")
[QS. An-Najm: 45]

  1. Allah Almighty who has given gift richness and sufficiency.

: وأنه هو أغنى وأقنى

("and it is He who gives riches and sufficiency)
[QS. An-Najm: 48]

From point no 4 it turns out that the partner richness is sufficiency, not poverty. Allah SWT creates only _ richness and sufficiency to all His creatures. Allah SWT does not create poverty at all.

استغفرالله العظيم

What makes and so poverty is actually only the human self itself.

Some people make themselves poor. It is caused by the mistakes of his own mindset in life. His life was covered by a feeling of poverty that his life became poor.

Supposedly, in living life always enough, because Allah SWT never give his grace in the size of the less. Glory be to God from every mistake.

And some others engineering the conditions to make other people poor. Poverty that occurs in some humans is caused by injustice committed by some others.
