"Introduction to blockchain" DLH course Feedback

  1. My objective when enrolling in the "Introduction to blockchain" at DLH courseMy expectation when enrolling to the Introduction to blockchain was
  • to have a good understanding of the mechanism of a blockchain
  • to have a good understanding of the different types of blockchain and their layer
  • to learn and be familiar with crypto or tokennomics
  • defi and its features and how to use it
  • to overview the different use case a blockchain can provide
  1. How far towards my objective did the course take you until now ?with regards to my initial expectation, I think I have reached about 60% of my objective. In others wordsI think it will be far more easy for me to try to deepen my knowlwdge of blockchain ecosystem by myself

  2. What direction should the course ideally take in order to bring you as close as possible to your objective ?It would be great to study different class of blockchain according to their specificity

  • to understand their vision, objective,
  • to grasp their strategy to reach their goal,
  • to analyse their tokennomics, their potential
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