My Future Plans for the Litesplasher Account

I thought about calling this, "Litesplasher Rises" with a hand emerging out of the ground :D

After a long break I have decided to start using my @litesplasher account again. I’m feeling like doing a bit more posting once I get back home and I hope to have some other things to share besides my daily Actifit post.

I plan on making this account where I post more of my more creative efforts. At one point I had some other projects in mind but they have mostly been put on hold. If I get the inclination I might get back into trying them out and if so I will post on this account about progress.

I’ve managed to get a (new to me) tripod again after losing the last one in a giant wind storm. I also got a nice light for photography. This combination will let me take some nicer 3D photography if I want to once I get back home.

It would be nice to get back into doing some more in depth writing and if I do, I will post the results to this account.

This photo was taken in Feb 2019 in the Smith and Bybee Wetlands Natural Area:


(I modified it using GIMP and the G’mic-qt filter plug-in.)

I’ve been exploring and ran across a feature that is supposed to automatically vote authors for you. I don’t know how well it works yet because all of the HP for this account was delegated to my main account. I scrambled around and got some more HP for this account so hopefully I will see it in action soon... especially once all the tokens get returned to this account.

As usual I plan to manually vote on my main account. I’ve gotten used to doing that and I enjoy giving the votes out. I am still wanting to get my main account over 50K HP this year but with this change I’m not sure if that will be possible. It would be nice to get this account over 5K so I will have to see how things go.

I’ve been very happy with how well Hive-Engine has been working and plan on making more use of that too so it is tough to really have a good goal in mind for any of this.

Hopefully having two accounts will help me spread my votes out a bit better and allow for a separation of posts into easier to find general areas.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.

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