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Fresh Apple Brandy Elixir


Join us in the journey of transforming simple fresh apples into a delightful homemade apple brandy that allures with its rich, fruity flavor. Thanks to the creative approach shared by Jesse of Still It, apples from your local store are about to become more than just a snack. Let's take the essence of these juicy fruits and concentrate it into a warming and satisfying spirit.


- 20 kg of mixed apples (a balance of sweet and tart varieties for complexity)

- Water (as needed)

- Pectinase enzyme (as recommended by the manufacturer)

- EC-1118 yeast (enough for the volume of juice)

- Sugar (if adjusting original gravity, optional)


- Fruit crusher (or "mangulator")

- Fruit press

- Large fermenting vessel

- Hydrometer

- Airlock and bung

- Sanitizing solution for equipment



1. Begin by selecting 20 kg of diverse apple varieties. Opt for a combination of sweeter apples to ensure adequate sugar for fermentation and tangier apples for a depth of flavor.

2. Remove any blemishes from the apples, then freeze 16 kg of them to help break down cell walls and potentially increase juice yield.

3. Once frozen, thaw the apples overnight.

Crushing and Pressing:

4. Feed the defrosted apples through a fruit crusher to create a pulpy mass, facilitating the extraction of juice.

5. Transfer the crushed apples into a fruit press and press them to extract the apple juice. Be patient, pressing multiple times to maximize juice yield.

6. From the 18 kg of crushed apple, aim to collect around 10 liters of juice. Use a hydrometer to measure the original gravity, aiming for 1.068 for a good potential alcohol content.


7. Take the remaining apples and additional fresh apples if needed, crush them but do not press. Combine the crushed apples with the juice in a large fermenter.

8. To ensure the mixture is adequately liquid for fermentation, you may add up to 2 liters of water.

9. Introduce the pectinase enzyme to the mixture to further break down the fruit, enhancing yeast access to sugars.

10. Pitch your EC-1118 yeast into the fermenter, following the package instructions for proper rehydration and dosage.

11. Seal the fermenter with an airlock, and let the mixture ferment until the bubbling ceases and fermentation is complete.

Distillation (Note: Distillation of alcohol is subject to local laws and may require a permit):

12. Once fermentation is over, distill the fermented apple mixture following proper distillation techniques to collect the apple brandy.

Cook Time: Fermentation will vary depending on the conditions but can take 7-14 days.

Total Time: Fermentation plus distillation and any aging you prefer.


The apple brandy can be enjoyed straight, aged for complexity, or used as a base for cocktails.

Cooking Tips:

- Use a variety of apples to give a balance of sweetness and acidity.

- Freezing apples can help increase the juice you'll get from them.

- Take your time pressing the apples, allowing the pulp to relax between presses for maximum juice extraction.

Servings: Varies based on distillation yield and desired proof.

Recipe attributed to Jesse from Still It and his YouTube channel:

#homemade #apple #distillation

YouTube channel - Still It:

Obstler (Fruit Brandy)

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