Learning to trust... and praying the kitchen is intact.


I am a hardworking man who loves to cook; but sometimes it takes more faith and bravery to trust your kid to mann the kitchen without burning the place down.

On the 8th day of Chinese New Year, my wife has created some really good Ang Ku Kueh (glutinous rice dessert with mungbean fillings) and Hakka Kueh for our altar offering. We decided to toast it on the pan the next morning, but by the time I was pan frying the Ang Ku Kueh, I had to quickly excuse myself and I let my son do the rest of the pan frying.

Only to come back to see that he forgot to flip the kueh ... causing this "trail of blacken disaster" 😑

Good thing is that those are his favourite and he has to now eat his result. 😂

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