A lot of times, we want to speak up in public but we are not sure how people will perceive us. At the end of the day, thoughts like "They will think I'm showing off", "Maybe I've already said too much", "What if my comment is totally off the point" stops us from voicing out our opinions. Today we will look at

How to Build Confidence to Speak Up at Work.


1. Prepare in Advance.

You already know what the meeting is all about, so you should take some time to compile some questions or issues you'd like to sort out during the meeting. Preparing in advance helps you to examine critically how you want you question to come off before the actual meeting. This also helps you to make use of every opportunity you get.

2. Ask "Why Should I"?

Always keep in mind why it is important you speak up during the meeting. Keep in mind that speaking up means playing your role and putting to good use, your credibility and experience. Keep in mind that speaking up doesn't mean you are showing off but instead it shows you truly care about the topic. Also keep in mind that speaking up reflects your passion and commitment.

3. Pause and Breathe.

If you are still unsure whether to speak up or not, just pause and breathe. The whole world is not on your shoulders. Take things easy and simple. Take a minute to collect your thoughts and center your emotion. Like a piece on a chess board, you just have to play your own part. You could have a really good point that might save the day and your point may not be ever pointed out by someone else. So just do it.

"Never be afraid to speak your mind, you have one for a reason." - Sarah Moores