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images(6).jpg And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
The light was called the day from creation and the darkness was called the night, the light rules the day so do darkness the night, during the day we labour in various things and places, we go to the office to the business places and to school, during the day we have fresh strength and the dew of the morning is always upon us, we have goals set to be achieved, we go out with expectations and believes that we will have a very successful day, but at the end of each day some people will achieve their set goals while others will not, some people will be glad and some will not, as the day is gradually running out, it will be ushering in it's twin brother, the night.
the night is that moment of darkness when the dazzling light of the day is gradually fading away, the clouds began to get darker and darker, and everyone is hurriedly tracing their ways back to home that very destination they all left in the morning, whether fulfilled or not, happy or not, everyone must return home when the night comes, the night is a moment of rest, sleep and renewal of strength, the night was made by God for men to have break from the busy day and get ready for the next coming day.images(8).jpg
So life is like day and night the morning of infant the afternoon and day of youthfulness and the night of old age, as a baby you are fresh and void of worries and troubles, have all the time to play and the lovely parents to watch over you but also you will not remain a baby forever the moment of youth is that moment you will began to experience life for what it is, full of dreams and goals, going to school, apprenticeship trainings and lot more to properly equip you for the task ahead, from there your gradually become an adult and you began to face life challenges, you began to solve your problems and no man is watching over you again, you become your own boss, you become independent both financial and otherwise, and eventually you also become parent, but no matter how joyful this stage of life is it is the bedrock of what you will ever enjoy as an old man or woman because the prominent choices and decisions of life are made during this moment.
Finally you will become old and very weak, though you have time, idea and money but you can't do more anymore, you are no returning back to your night, many strengths has gone out of you and they can never be retrieve anymore, now you needs your children and grandchild to carry you and pet you again you will gradually retard to the mind of infants but your body is already old and worn out, you will eventually die, but that is not the end of life there is a hereafter which one will live after here on earth and it is either heaven or hell of the life you are living today, the man or woman you are now determines your placement in the hereafter life, the name of hereafter life is ETERNITY, as you sleep ask yourself where will I spend my eternity. images(7).jpg
