Good Life

Hall Pastor 20180102_150106.jpg

When you invest the qualitative part of your life in building up
yourself and investing in people, it will be impossible to lack.
Even at old age.

Therefore invest wisely; Invest in building others.
Never stop reading. invest in the good book and in the wise
Put on the stakeholdership mentality at whatever work or
vocation you find yourself.

Make understanding of hard sayings your joy. Dig deep and
research into all things that are benefiting.
Everything good result is a function of and the level of the
displayed understanding at work.
Understanding of any situation will set you up for an
outstanding and sterling performance.

Above all, Serve humanity with your resources, with your
energy and with all you have in sincerity.
Strive not just to impact your community, be a global

# Goodlife

I hope this is helpful!

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