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Unhealth Clowns Living in a Clown World


I am willing to take my chances with the virus and no one has any right to suggest otherwise. My body my choice right?

If this isn't the case, I will personally let you know any problem I have with your choices with your body, and trust me i have actually been polite about that to a lot of people who I watch making very laughable choices in their life...

Trust me, you wont like it either....

Especially if you're in a certain demographic with high cholesterol, I will have fun reminding you about your chances of death from your choices too...

Oh you're worried about me spreading it, well guess what unhealth diet habits do when you share great tasting food with people that is high in cholesterol...

Unhealth fucking clowns living in a clown world.

Before you reply,

Did your friends go back to McDonalds or any other fast food place after you showed them a meal they enjoyed?

Because oh boy will i be happy to show you the stats about obesity and the risk of death if you think Covid is a threat, just wait until you see what the CDC says about overweight peoples risk of a heart failure.....

if you are an exception to this statistic i can happily produce revenue from the highest cholesterol food companies during the pandemic and easily show you how much of a 1 off case you are if you ate healthy...
