Hermann the Verified Wolf Punk


A Scarred Child

Since his mother was taken from him in that supermarket in Brandenburg, Hermann has never been the same. He heard the revving of a Porshe 911 in the parking lot and looked outside the window. Suddenly men with long coats came ran into the super market looking around. Two tall men grabbed Hermann's mother right out of his hands and threw her in the car. That red car sped away and Hermann chased after his mother.

He went down the street and cried and cried. First his father and now his mother had been taken by the Diamos. Hermann wandered off to the river and into the Forest where he spent his child hood. No one could know this child's struggles to survive. It is said that he was raised by a migrating wolf pack.

The Diamos Did It

In fact at night on a full moon many people of Brandenburg say they hear the howling of a wolf like creature in the hills. This is Hermann. He was wounded since the Diamos took his mother. The Diamos say they are keeping the peace but they have nothing to do with peace. They are silencing the voices of those who speak out against them. They won't be satisfied until everyone says that the Diamos is the way to peace and prosperity.

Hermann doesn't care about any of that. He knows that he will never get his mother back but his pack of wolves will make sure that the Diamos stay out of Brandenburg. The last time a Porshe pulled into town the tires were chewed apart. The Diamos could only stay inside the car until help came.

Get her back to Vybrainium

Hermann wanders the hills growling like a wolf. His muscles are ripped but he is not dangerous unless you say the word "Diamos". There was only one chance for Hermann and that was Vybrainium. Once Hermann got into the walls of Vybrainium he would know that there is nothing to be afraid of. The Diamos cannot bother him or his family while he is in Vybrainium territory.

One day it happened. Hermann found the castle his mother was being held. He send his wolf pack to surround the castle and he went right through the front door. The Diamos were asleep. They never expected a wolf pack in the middle of the night. Hermann found his mother and brought her together with the wolf pack to the safety of Vybrainium. As long as they were in Vybrainium their whole family was safe.

Life in Vybrainium

It wasn't always easy Hermann the Verified Wolf Punk to live in Vybrainium. It would take a while before people could understand him. But the Vybrainiums were an accepting bunch of people. There was no Diamos and there was opportunity for anyone to grow and run free... even a wolf Punk like Hermann.

For the time being Vybrainium is free from Diamos but is there in even greater lurking? Is there a danger that revenge and hostility will destroy this otherwise peaceful community? What will happen to Hermann the Verified Wolf Punk? Will he become civilized and change his ways or will Vybrainium become a little bit more wild?

There are a lot of questions ahead for Hermann, but for the time being Vybrainium has accepted him as one of a kind.

Ahhh. Hermann is a @mineopoly creation.

Sometimes Hermann gets hungry for Beef Chow mien.

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