Small steps, day-by-day


Fun one today!

My usual morning routine had an unexpected wobble after making the decision to change it up. I had planned to go to the aqua class at the gym to get my groove on with all the ladies. Unfortunately, the class instructor was ill so it's been pushed back a week or so.

Here's the wobble.

I told myself I'd be going to the gym to do some more concentrated exercise (I know, wtf, exercise at the gym?*) so I continued as such and did some lengths in the pool for the first time. My thinking is... I really want to go to this aqua class on a Monday morning, so it was wise to exercise in the pool to prep my mind for it in the future.


Fun fact: I've never stepped into the fitness room in the gym. Not once. Almost been going for 3 months as well, more or less daily. Steam, stretch, read. Easy.

My thinking there is... if I associate the feeling of ache and pain with the gym, I'm more than likely not to hop on the bike to ride up every morning. Instead, I know I'm going to relax and switch off for a bit so the effort is minimal (honestly, it is pretty incredible how the consistency with this has shaped my mind and body).

That swim this morning was intense. Started with a few breaststroke lengths to get the vibe and then I did 4 or 5 **fast** front crawl lengths with deep breathing and rest after each one. It rocked and hasn't intruded too much on my day (well, it's got me writing a post about it, I guess that's fairly intrusive, in a good way!).


Point to all of this? WYSIWYG boi.

Also, @aiuna's [VYB-ACT]( post is reverberating through my brain and I wondered how this would work as an entry for the #vyb-act tag.

*I just went to get the link and noticed this. Seriously, dafuq?*



Time to find a tune for monday morning.....

lol, this one popped up. discovered this on the OITNB TV series a few years back. quality tune!

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