Your real voting power is not the ability to choose which elite will rule over you next.

If you register to vote so that you can choose a new president, you are missing the big picture.

Your political vote doesn't matter. Neither does anyone elses.

At the end of the day we will have someone meeting all of the following criteria calling themself our new ruler:

  • Rich
  • Well connected
  • Probably never done a real days work in their life
  • Could care less about you, me, or anyone else
  • A member of the council on foreign relations
  • Owned by the banks

Once in office they will:

  • Not be forced to do anything they promised while campaigning
  • Create even more stupid laws at the behest of their corporate and banking masters
  • Continue starting new wars
  • Stack the supreme court if given a chance
  • Continue to make everyone in the country look bad to people around the world
  • Continue extorting other countries financially

In short, nothing will change. The difference between top media candidates is not in how they will behave, but how irrationally they will behave.

If you believe they have your best interests in mind you are not paying enough attention.

Why register to vote? Jury Nullification

The real reason to register to vote is jury duty.

This is because most jury pools are pulled based on voting registration records.

This is where you site on a jury and, with eleven other people, decide the fate of someone who may or may not have done any harm to anyone else.

No matter what new hair brained laws the political ruling class has come up with, this is your chance to stomp on stupid laws and ensure that non violent people do not go to jail.

stupid laws

In the united states, as long as one juror has the courage to say not guilty and the ability to continue as part of the jury, everyone else will have to either capitulate or wait until a mistrial is declared.

Most people will simply capitulate as they don't want to be there. Some (government employees and others who actually get paid time off to be on a jury) will not.

Enacting real change

If you want to enact real change, you should take part in a jury when you have the chance.

You can stomp on bad laws by simply refusing to convict those that have violated them.

Difficulties getting onto a Jury

Be aware that jury tampering is part of the process, though it is called Voir Dire.

The court and attourneys do not want people in the jury that know about jury nullification.

  • If you want to be dismissed from a jury, simply mention jury nullification and you will be off the list immediately.
  • If you want to be part of a jury, make certain that you answer according to the status quo.

Difficulties in getting onto real juries

Sadly, these days charges are horribly trumped up against non violent law breakers and most take plea deals.

This effectively avoids trials where innocent people who break malum prohibitum laws that our governments had no right enacting in the first place lose their chance to be saved by a savvy juror.

Real change is in our courts

If enough people start nullifying bad law, the courts will have no choice but to stop prosecuting people for breaking such laws, effectively turning them into dead letter laws.


If enough people actually refuse to convict other people for non crimes, then we will start seeing change.

Note: All images are either public domain or freely available for viewing online and copyright their respective copyright holders.

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