Where is the Love? (Not in Government!)

I realize that this might seem to be a strange topic for me to write about considering the evil that seems to be surrounding almost every aspect of our lives. The evidence of the continual lies in every part of government and business is so overwhelming that only those who are completely blinded or complicit could fail to realize that it is threatening every aspect of our lives. Of course you might now be asking: what's love got to do with that? Good question!

The very essence of love is the willingness of people to voluntarily give of themselves and possessions to those around them. Unfortunately this spirit of giving has been greatly diminished in most of the world due to many trusting in the fake "love" that government currently disburses to millions around the globe. It really is quite shocking how many trust in the continuous flow of money that the government steals from almost all of us. Many are clamoring for the government to do even more to "help" which in reality is only bringing us closer to bankruptcy and total chaos. The ever increasing lies and propaganda are being used to try to hide this undeniable truth: Government is on the verge of failing. That of course begs the question: What are we supposed to do to help our world?

Real love defined by voluntary giving is a simple message that would be able to capture the attention of many people who are questioning the current failed system of government. There are many ways to spread the love to those that are around us by giving generously of our time and resources to those who don't really understand what voluntaryism and anarchy is all about. I additionally also think that it is hugely important to be patient with those who as of yet don't understand the message of voluntaryism. Ron Paul so aptly stated this truth:

“Speak up, speak often and don’t worry about those that at this point cannot understand as they can never un-hear what we tell them.”

Spreading a simple message about real love and the truth about voluntaryism on a constant basis will move us toward a free and prosperous world. We must move away from the theft and evil of government intent on controlling everything.

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