Sinabung volcano erupts again, volcanic ash volumes soar


Aftershocks are predicted to occur on Mount Sinabung pascaletusan on Monday (19/2).

According to the Head of Volcanic and Volcanic Mitigation of PVMBG Gede Suantika, the potential for eruption still exists although with a smaller scale.

Moreover, according to him until now the status of the mountain has not been lowered in the alert position. "Sinabung is still alert, the activity has not been lowered," said Suantika when confirmed from Bandung, West Java, Monday (19/2).

He explained, the lava dome on Mount Sinabung still continues to grow in every day. The accumulation of the lava dome is quite a lot of it inhibits the release of gases that come out on the surface.

"So this will have a greater accumulation of pressure below, then one day it will be released at once," he said.

Therefore, he predicted that in the near future there will be another great explosion from Mount Sinabung. He also urged all residents around to stay alert and follow every instruction issued.

"The affected areas are still recommended 7 kilometers of danger to the south east, 6 kilometers to the southeast, 4 kilometers to the north east, 3 kilometers to the north west of south," he said.


LETUSAN-letusan susulan diprediksi masih akan terjadi di Gunung Sinabung pascaletusan pada Senin (19/2).

Menurut Kepala Bidang Mitigasi Gunung Api dan Vulkanologi PVMBG Gede Suantika, potensi letusan masih ada meski dengan skala yang lebih kecil.

Terlebih, menurutnya hingga saat ini status gunung tersebut belum diturunkan yakni pada posisi awas. "Sinabung ini kan masih awas, aktivitasnya belum diturunkan," kata Suantika saat dikonfirmasi dari Bandung, Jawa Barat, Senin (19/2).

Dia menjelaskan, kubah lava di Gunung Sinabung masih terus tumbuh dalam setiap harinya. Akumulasi kubah lava yang cukup banyak ini menghambat rilis gas-gas yang keluar di permukaan.

"Jadi ini akan ada akumulasi tekanan yang lebih besar di bawah. Kemudian suatu saat dilepaskan sekaligus secara tiba-tiba," tuturnya.

Oleh karena itu, dia memprediksi dalam beberapa waktu ke depan akan kembali terjadi ledakan hebat dari Gunung Sinabung. Dia pun mengimbau seluruh warga sekitar agar tetap waspada dan mengikuti setiap instruksi yang dikeluarkan.

"Daerah terdampak masih direkomendasikan bahaya 7 kilometer ke arah selatan tenggara, 6 kilometer ke tenggara timur, 4 kilometer ke timur utara, 3 kilometer ke utara barat selatan," ungkapnya.

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