Report of Sent Rewards for June 2023 for VOCUP Token Holders + LPUD

We are posting this report quite late, but as always, the rewards have been sent on time. 😀

Running to catch - Rewards for June 2023 + July LPUD

We sent the rewards to all the VOCUP token holders on July 1st, 2023, according to their respective token holdings and in the amounts shown in the table below.

Sent Rewards for June 2023

The snapshot of token holders was taken on June 30th, 2023, at midnight (UTC).
Here are also the screenshots from our wallet of sent rewards.

Sent Rewards for June 2023 - 1

Sent Rewards for June 2023 - 2

Sent Rewards for June 2023 - 3

Sent Rewards for June 2023 - 4

As well, in June, our small family of VOCUP token holders got one new member (@monsterbuster), and we wish him a warm welcome! 😀

LPUD July 15th, 2023 - Our 10th In a Row Leo PowerUp Day

Today, for the 10th time in a row, we increased our LEO power for an additional 150 LEO to help us curate #leofinance publishers with a bit stronger upvotes.

Vocup Divider1b

To buy a VOCUP token, visit Hive-Engine, Tribaldex or LeoDex exchange.

Please review our Announcement post to learn more about our project.

Vocup Divider1a

Images Sources:
1st image (Thumbnail): Our own derivative work with image by dsandzhiev from Pixabay and image by OpenClipart-Vectors also from Pixabay
2nd image: (Table): Own work.
3rd - 6th image (Wallet Transactions): Screenshots from our wallet.
Dividers: Our own derivative work with image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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