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Blog #1: A sunny day in Hanoi and some deep thoughts

It has been a long time since I went to Dong Tay Books and Coffee shop.


I have been busy with some final exams in my university because this year is my final year. Yesterday, after finishing all examinations, I felt like I needed a silent place to read some books and think about myself. I was beautifully sunny outside so I decided to go to my favorite books and coffee shop.

Living in Hanoi city and seeing people around, I realized that lives have gone too fast. The tempo is very quick and people seem to rush to everywhere without looking back. I was not familiar with this style of living. Every morning, when I wake up, there are many problems show up in my head and begging for a solution. When I was stressed terribly, I just want to find some peaceful place to sit down and meditate my mind. If there was a water flow beside, I would look at the water to see myself and ask: "Is this you, my ego?"


Books and coffee was the perfect place for me to find a safe and sound, harmonious feeling. There was no water flow but I had my best friends besides: the books.

My friends allowed me to know more about them and by that, taught me many things and helped me understand myself better.

My friends did not ask me to talk about myself. They only needed me to sit quietly and listened to what they shared, talked and taught me.

My friends did not argue with me. They presented their views and opinions. These ideas were right or wrong, that depended on me.

My friends and I have gone a long way together through my 4 college years.
