[Vlog] Thoughts on buying goods & services with crypto, Seg2x/ No2x and Fit@40 series

This morning's vlog touches on a few things that are currently on my mind...

The 'earn' economy

With more and more people from all walks of life getting into cryptocurrency I think it's important that holders provide gateways for newcomers to earn bitcoin, steem or whatever crypto they desire.

Whether someone approaches me about cryptocurrency, I'm trying to make my first thought how can I facilitate this person earning cryptocurrency, through either goods or services they have to offer. This way cryptocurrency becomes more than just a vehicle of speculation. It becomes an eco-system. A market into which people can expand their existing enterprises.

I talk about a couple of examples in today's video.

No2x? What did you expect!

I also talk about Segwit2x being suspended. If nothing else we must learn to expect the unexpected by now! Overall I think it is good for cryptocurrency. I touch on this in the video.

Coming soon...

I will be doing a Fit@40 series. In many ways I've been in my comfort zone of late. Writing this blog and in particular doing vlogs has helped me step out of it and into areas I never dreamed someone like me will go. I'm naturally a behind the scenes guy that prefers one-on-one private conversations to broadcasting to a larger audience.

However here I am, blogging and vlogging away on Steemit with my head firmly above the parapet. I guess you're never too old to discover new things about yourself. In many ways it is the only way to grow. I'm going to take it a step further with Fit@40, I'll be drawing on the expertise of @colossus39 and early next year @ivargereiko to whip this old warhorse into shape.

I know what it is like to train hard so I've been reluctant to take the plunge. However the stars seem to be aligning and now is the time to go for it (I think!).

Wish me luck!!!

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