Demon Hunter | Book 1 Chapter 3.3 (2) | Era of Turmoil


Bang! Bang! Two thunderous gun sounds tore through the previously peaceful subway tunnels. Within the subway train, the heads of the two living corpses were shot through. The tremendous force of the bullets practically blew straight through their brains!

Bang bang bang bang! Four more gunsounds continuously sounded. Su had already reached the end of the subway train. He didn’t stop in the slightest and directly leapt off the train roof. Following four light sounds, Su once again stepped on the ground. The bullets in the pistol had already been completely reloaded.

His feet exerted some more force, allowing his speed to slightly increase. The ten meter long tunnel was quickly covered. Su seemed to have transformed into a breeze, brushing past the four living corpses that were quickly running through the tunnel.

Su suddenly stood still. His body sharply turned around, and he released three shots!

Three living corpses fell. The last one quickly spun around and threw itself towards Su with a roar.

Su calmly looked at the living corpse without moving at all. After running forward several meters, he plummeted face down.

Unknowingly when, a steel dagger that did not reflect any light was gripped backwards in Su’s hand. It was covered in black paint, and in that instant when he passed those living corpses, it was precisely this dagger that sliced open the ribs of this living corpse.

Su turned around and looked in the direction the four living corpses came from. Sure enough, there were two living corpses that appeared at the other end. The strange thing was that these two living corpses were cooperatively raising an adult vicious rat’s corpse. From their scarlet red pupils and their mouths that had endless saliva flowing from them, Su could see they were currently starving. However, they didn’t partake in the food in their arms. This completely contrasted with what Su knew about them. The primary goal of creatures like living corpses was to satisfy their appetites. They knew nothing about exerting self-control. If they were given enough food, it was entirely likely that they would eat until they died from bursting. It wasn’t just these two living corpses either; just now, he could tell that the four living corpses that had sprinted over previously also suffered the torment of hunger due to their shriveled bellies.

Living corpses that didn’t immediately consume the food in front of it?

Bang bang bang! Su lowered the pistol that was still emitting smoke and walked towards the two living corpses that would never stand up again. This time, one of his shots did not hit its intended target; he had originally aimed for the forehead, but it struck the chest, so he had to add a shot. The distance was over ten meters, so the modified pistol’s accuracy was a huge issue. This time, his great luck did not display its effect, so that shot alone wasn’t enough.

The living corpses that were made of flesh were no match for the firepower or metal. In such close quarters, no matter which part was hit, a twenty centimeter thick hole would be opened up.

With kacha sounds, Su’s pistol reloaded with bullets. Only then did he make his way through the living corpses to carefully inspect them. Living corpses were creatures with shocking levels of vitality. Even if half of its body was blown to pieces, it was still entirely possible for it to leap up and chomp down.

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