Woman Avoids Robbery By Using… A Sex Toy

When we are in danger, the body's defense mechanism is automatically activated to help us fight the danger at any cost.

A short video recently recorded by a security camera went viral on social media. It shows a man walking into a Sex toy shop and talking to the cashier. Everything looks normally until the woman feels something is wrong, the man is trying to distract her attention in order to rob the money.

Upon realizing that, the woman immediately decided to act without hesitation. To do that, she used the first self-defense weapon she found, a sex toy.

In the recording, we can see her using a rubber penis as a weapon and she repeatedly hit the intruder on his head. Everything happened too quickly beyond the man's expectations so he started running towards the door to escape from her anger and yelling at him continuosly.

Please watch the video for more information.

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