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We got some serious virality in our lives. Shit goes viral all the time. Look at that DOGE hotness seducing suckers. The jokes not on the jokers who made it as a joke. The jokes on the ones who laughed.

Elon who? Who gives a shit? Everyone, apparently. I say DOGE, you go buy. I say Bitcoin, you go buy. I say Bitcoin bad for environment, you sell sell sell! BOOM! Virus spreading, infecting, shedding.

Viral. Viruses. Mind viruses. Speak your mind. Mind your speak. Censorship. That's the new norm. You can't speak your mind. You need to mind what you speak, or get booted in the face of social media.

Here is HIVE, social media 6.0. Is it full of hive-minds? Drones, thinking in conformity, accepting what their told is what is? Is it patch of hives on our skin? Are we scratching ourselves to death, bleeding out? Bleeding in?

The virus is all around us. Run. Fear. Be afraid. Jump on one leg because we said so. Nonsense. Makes sense? No sense. Think. Question. What virus? What are you afraid of?