Varrier's Way to Virality

If you are on social media or use any kind of communication app, it's unlikely that you've missed this naughty wink. What began as a cute meme about the age of innocence, acquired viral proportion in less than 48 hours. An objective observation would reveal that Priyanka Varrier's viral success is backed by solid digital PR strategy. It reinforces the Ad world's belief in emotional content even on a platform that struggles for audience's attention. It involves novel activation by influencers in social space, which has set new marketing precedents.

There are many ingredients of this success story

  1. Timing: It is perhaps the single biggest advantage that went in the favour of this video. A video about high-school romance featuring attractive leads is in-itself sufficient to attract the curiosity of digital users in Valentine’s week.

2, Casting: A simple internet search would reveal that there's no dearth of videos featuring pretty winking girls. What makes this video special is 2he inherent 'Indianness' in the girl's looks and mannerism.It is the version of femininity that we have always celebrated; A simple wink!

#varrier #virality

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