Hi vinyl folks, ⏺️✌️ Does anyone celebrate and use vinyl anymore?

Hi vinyl folks, ⏺️✌️

I grew up with vinyl and called myself dj blacksmith back then. However, in the last few years I feel like I'm only carrying vinyl around with me instead of actively using records; digital mixing via console and player has taken over.

How do you feel about it? Do you still have your vinyl? Do you use it regularly? If yes, why or if not, why not? Precisely because purely digital solutions can have advantages and disadvantages. Would you sell it all or would you rather put it in storage in case you get the desire again?

And financially I am not forced to sell them. For me, it's still okay in terms of volume, there are only about 500 discs. If you want, you can see/listen them here:

vinyl / record collection @ discogs [dj blacksmith]


I would be very happy about a lively discussion and contact to people interested in vinyl and especially what you think about it and how you would deal with it.

😎 cheers!

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