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A village is situated 3000 feet below the ground.

Publish Date: sun, 18Mar 2018 03:15 PM (IST) imageWe are not talking about any ancient or demolished place, but are still talking about a village present today. ...

America has a village

There is a village in the United States, which is situated below three thousand feet below the surface of the ground. You will definitely have to know about the famous Grand Canyon, which attracts approximately 55 million people from around the world every year to Arizona. Here, there is a deep trench near the Havasu Canyon, where an ancient village named Supai is named. The total population of this village is 208. This village is being told about 3000 feet below ground surface. Native Americans living here are Red Indians.
Means of limited traffic

Even today, this instrument is very much cut off from the modern world because the means of transport are quite limited. Here you can go pedestrally or go on foot or sit on a mule. Another way is the Ace Daksh airliner coming here, which connects the village to a nearby highway. Even so far the work of carrying letters is done on mules.

By sumati
