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Reasons why Vikings is considered the best TV Show by many people !!

Greetings everyone, 

Considering that you're reading this story, i'm guessing you've already watched the show or probably heard what it's about and considering if it's worth watching.

Keep reading 'cause i'll show you enough reasons to make you start watching it this instant  :

1 . Top-class MC actor

Ragnar Lothbrok, played by Travis Fimmel gave us a whole exciting experience while watching every second of vikings. Wits, curiosity, strength, confidence, tolerance, leadership, patience ... while perfectly putting all these virtues into one character, Ragnar made it worthwhile for us to keep observing his story. The story of one of first Vikings to explore England while no one else took the initiative to.

His love for his family was also not to be ignored. Although he got married with a second wife for a few reasons which i cant spoil, he still deeply loved his first wife and all his sons. That being said, his family had another member. I'm talking about his brother. The way ragnar deals with his younger brother on certain occassions is also a sight not to avoid. With one word, i'd say Travis Fimmels' acting was truly a masterpiece.

2. Character development

As we know from many movies and tv shows, character development is mostly targeted at the Main Character, while giving the other characters little room to grow. 

That doesn't happen in Vikings as many characters recieve huge character developments at a very great pace which was pretty well done by the director and the staff. 

3. Great examples of religions

We can't ignore the fact that Nordic gods actually show up in the movie and how can we hate it. Odin, The All-Father, was respected and hailed by all the nords. He gave his eye to acquire knowledge, but our Main character is ready to give far far more. After some time, Ragnar is put in a dilemma about his gods, England gods and whether do they exist or not. 

Although Ragnar actually saw alot occassions that gods do exist, he refuses to leave his fate to them and actually tries to lead a life based on his decisions only, like befriending a christian priest. 

~ All in all, watching Ragnar Lothbrok in a twist of events where his top priorities are : to fight and preserve ; and to take care of his family, is truly an exciting experience and worthwile the time.