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Receive a Curious Greeting, Plenary of Blessings and Prosperity, Steemit Friend.

Interestingly, in recent days I had a strange nightmare based on the movie "Matrix", in which a powerful computer had absolute control over the Planet Earth and used us as vulgar batteries, absorbing the energies that humans possess; and to keep us calm, it consumed us asleep, while deceiving our minds by transmitting false ideas and sensations, similar to those we have in the plane of dreams; but, the "Matrix" did not allow us to wake up and made us believe that we were living a normal life in a real world; when the true reality is that our minds were completely controlled and we received false information generated by the "Matrix".

By reading the above and the subsequent, many people will question my logical sanity, judgment, intelligence and maturity; but, I assume the risks because I must also write about the interesting things that the childish or irrational part? of my brain reveals.

Mandela Effect

In strict summary, it can be said that the "Mandela Effect" is a recently analyzed phenomenon of faith, mental and social humans, who in many cases remember or believe to remember apparent moments and experiences, which it has never really happened.

This phenomenon of induced faith, mental and social manipulation, derived from the illusory belief that many people have about the false fact that Nelson Mandela died in prison; when the real fact was that Mandela survived his many years of imprisonment and was even President in his country, long before he passed away.

But, the "Mandela Effect" is so complex for the convinced, fanatical and dissociated, who do not notice the reality regardless of the proofs of the truth that are supplied to them; encapsulated in their acts of induced faith, false memory and suggesting beliefs that they assume, which prevents them from believing in the true reality in rational terms.

Matrix, Computerized Simulation or Virtual Reality?

According to my complex Philosophical framework, I am able to get carried away by bizarre thoughts, absurdities, the unimaginable, the subjective, science fiction, fall into the strange lands of fantasy and return from the unreal to the tangible and objective reality, questioning everything.

In that context, it seems to me that there are very strange things in this "real" world, which significantly captivate me, although I do not understand them and I observe many things which, due to their "irrational" characteristics, I do not believe are truly "real"; but, I also assume that all this may correspond to the sanity of a demented fool or the madness of a wise restless, or both inclusive.

In that sense, for a moment I cling to the "Mandela Effect" and so I can explain how it is likely that all this is just a phenomenon of collective memory based on fallacy; but, I dislike the whole scheme of intrigue, interest, taboo, dissociation and satirical wonder that I can experience internally, making me wander through distressing fantasies, which discordantly combine with a dissimilar computational simulation hypothesis.

I mean, I've had that nightmare similar to the movie Matrix, and my alter ego tells me with probably assertive reason, that maybe it was a glimpse of magical realism that forces me to discover the underlying truth subconsciously or unconsciously or that my mind loves me reveal with loud cries of freedom. Where are we really? Are we part of a "Computational Simulation"? Do we belong and live as slaves chained and immersed in the "Matrix"? Is our "Reality" "Real" or "Virtual"?

The Virtual Reality of the Video Game

However, depending on my complicated mental health, I can self-manage with the videogame scheme, and so I can safely play a special experiential simulation class; in fact, this world is very similar to a complicated experiential simulation game, but we only have one life and the restart is not allowed because when the "game over" occurs, the existence of the humans who lost the game disappears completely; because death means the final decline of this simulated game.

Therefore, it is possible to believe that a supercomputer has developed a dazzling simulation of virtual reality to align and alienate humans in a perfect imperfect reality, current beta version, perfect and accommodating to the mental needs of the world population, able to recreate and simulate the real characteristics of life and its context, as we all live in our realities.

Parameters and Philosophy of the Hypothetical Human Videogame

Once all humans have cornered us and slept forever in individual packages, they interconnected us to the network of the Matrix, to put us all in a gigantic simulation of virtual reality, where the only real thing is that we are "alive" "in this current quasi-binary world and we can also" think"; and allow us to develop our casuistic and narcissistic truths, in a prolonged dream of useful idiots.

I can suppose then, that being all the previous one a strange thought not synchronized with the reality of you, is for what my stormy newspaper disagreement with respect to the real life is justified; but, the nightmare does not end there, because I sense that they imitate me within my own videogame scenario, with decadent and compassionate artificial intelligence, that tries to give me the opportunity to win, but win what? If seeing the history of my failed dreams that do not match the success that is required in the real world or virtual, I leave the sorrow with the proximity of my death as a culminating entity of the virtual, non-existent and latent "game over "within my own simulated creation.

As in the "Mandela Effect", we may not recognize the truth, or we are forced to believe in the fallacy of "real" life based on a kind of videogame life, with predesigned plays and short purposes of silly goals to fulfill; corresponding with that insignificant and distant something in the absurd panorama of my general perspective, since prior to death I do the things that I must do, for what, or will be done after the end of the game, everything that was not done while we are alive?

The final part of my nightmare is even stranger, because I felt or think I was revealed, that the creator of the virtual reality video game, I am being tested and analyzed with artificial intelligence to know if I am a true honest and honest person, and if I overcome these tests, my body will be freed from the dream capsule and transferred to the real world, to live reality as a real person along with other noble humans in a fair society and very different from this virtual society.

That is, to win this virtual game, certain requirements of honesty, wisdom and holiness must be met during the whole journey; and the prize of this triumph is centered on the "liberation" of this virtual existence, because it proves that the person deserves to live as a real being in the Earthly Paradise made true with good people and in a just society without sins or sinners.




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