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LBRY is worth checking out, especially in an age when we need as many alternatives to YouTube as possible.

After almost a week on the platform, basic account setup, and looking around the site a little bit, I have earned 70-some LBC (their reward token). No idea the value of LBC at the moment. I can't imagine it's that huge, but the earning was easy, at least in the early stages. Eventually, from what I understand, earning comes through a tip based system.

The interface is great.

Standout creator on LBRY so far?
Wim Hof. Fun fun fun and interesting guy.

If anyone else knows any good follows on LBRY, feel free to share.

My channel can be found here:

Try it out! Referral link:

Post #1:

So far, I really like it.

Be well.
(words are original, image from pixabay.)
Posted using @eSteemApp.