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Autophagy: Fulfilment of Two Of God's Promises To Mankind

Two of God's promises to His Creation and not just His followers is His unending love for us and that He is the Great Physician. Anyone who has ever prayed for someone's well being and believed that their plea was in vain may take heart that just praying for someone is a miss-directed understanding of "Great Physician. Don't get me wrong, any and every prayer is important, useful, and I believe heard. However, once you understand autophagy you might look at the need for a greater engagement and sacrifice in healing than a prayer.

Autophagy is the power within every living creature on earth to heal wounds and purge disease from it's body. This ability seems to be in our DNA and passed perfectly down from one generation to the next. Wait a minute! As any evolutionist will tell you NOTHING gets handed down from generation to generation PERFECTLY. Mutations happen. It is not possible that something like autophagy can be handed down perfectly since the beginning of time. But it does to every species on earth. The discretionary brilliance of autophagy never diminishes with each generation of every living creature since the beginning. This simply is not possible unless every living thing is a "new creation" by a loving God. We can hand down disabilities, deformities, and weaknesses to the next generation, but even those unfortunate souls have a perfectly functioning autophagy system. So if everyone has it, everyone can use it. However, here is where Man's wisdom and God's wisdom parts ways once again.

The discretionary brilliance I spoke of is the ability of autophagy to remove trash, disease, and toxins from the body without touching anything vital. Clearly there is a Divine intelligence at work here and embedded in each new living creature on earth. The downside to autophagy is that there is a need for sacrifice to engage it. A little of autophagy is engaged every night when we sleep, but to understand its full power and engage its full potential takes just a little more sacrifice that falling asleep at night. This is where your journey to find out for yourself what this is all about begins. If not for you, maybe a loved one who is facing acute disease or an ongoing health issue that has plagued them for years. The link below is a good starting point.
